한국전력기술 뉴스레터 KEPCO E&C NEWS APR1000 acquires the European Utility Requirements (EUR Rev.E) Certification On March 2, KEPCO E&C acquired the latest design certification (EUR Rev.E) from the European Chamber of Commerce for the standard design of the Korean medium-sized nuclear power plant called APR1000, which aims to be exported to Europe. ... Signing a contract for Ulsan Green 1 Combined Plant construction and engineering service On March 6, KEPCO E&C signed a contract for the ‘Ulsan Green 1 complex construction and engineering service’ with Korea East-West Power Co., Ltd., the ordering client. Under this comprehensive design and technology service contract, ... ‘Daegu-Gyeongbuk Cyber Security Council’ Held with the National Intelligence Service On February 23, KEPCO E&C held the 'Daegu-Gyeongbuk Cyber Security Council' with the National Intelligence Service in the video conference room on the 3rd floor of the headquarters in Gimcheon. After the first meeting in 2023 was held ...