Future nuclear power plant
Future nuclear power plant
KEPCO E&C is researching core technologies to be applied to 4th generation and next-generation nuclear power plants, positioning itself at the forefront of the evolving energy market landscape and developing basic technology for more eco-friendly nuclear power plant operation and efficient energy use. Moreover, we lead the development of passive safety system design technology, flexible nuclear power plant operation plans linked to new and renewable energy, and technology that can respond to new requirements with enhanced safety.
Development of the 4th generation nuclear power plant sodium-cooled fast reactor system (completed)
- Establishment and development of secondary system element technology for the sodium-cooled fast reactor
- Development of measures to reduce toxicity and dispose of spent fuel
- Preparation of a preliminary safety analysis report and specific design safety analysis report
Passive cooling system development (completed)
- Development of core technology for passive cooling system design operated by natural forces
- A new reactor using a passive cooling system, iPOWER (Innovative-Passive Optimized World-wide Economical Reactor, Innovative safe light water reactor)
- Passive safety system integration concept deployment
Development of marine floating block-type SMR system (under development)
- Development of core element technology for a secondary system of KEPCO E&C’s unique SMR
- Development of an offshore nuclear power system that combines nuclear energy and shipbuilding and marine technology
- Development of thermal energy storage and utilization technology linked to nuclear and renewable energy
- PAFS Passive Auxiliary Feedwater System
- PCCS Passive Containment Cooling System
- PECCS Passive Emergency Core Cooling System
- PMCCS Passive Molten Core Cooling System