Implementation Strategy
A public institution that leads integrity ethics in Korea
Integrity and ethics together, trusted KEPCO E&C
C.O.R.E. ethical management
KEPCO E&C intends to become a global core company by strengthening and internalizing ethical capabilities, upgrading the ethical system, preventing and preemptively responding to ethical risk factors, and establishing an integrity and ethics ecosystem.
Strengthening and internalizing ethical capability (Capability)
Ethical system upgrading (Organization)
Preventing and preemptively responding to ethical risk factors (Risk management)
Building an integrity and ethics ecosystem (Ecosystem)
Strengthening and internalizing ethical capabilityOrganization
Ethical system upgradingRisk Management
Preventing and preemptively responding to ethical risk factorsEcosystem
Building an integrity and ethics ecosystem
Intensifying integrity and ethics education and sharing education
Internalization of participatory integrity ethics -
Strengthening ethical management organization and norms
Reconsideration and expansion of accessibility to integrity system -
Strengthening the self-diagnosis and monitoring of ethics
Strengthening of preemptive activities in areas vulnerable to corruption, etc. -
Strengthening integrity activities in local communities and suppliers
Strengthening public and civic group solidarity and expansion activities
Roadmap for Ethical Management
Ethical management introduction period ~ 2023
Establishment of integrity and ethical standards / Establishment of ethical management system → Establishment of institutional basis for the implementation of integrity ethics in the introduction stage of ethical management
Establishment of management system
Ethical management expansion period ~ 2026
Strengthening the driving force for ethical management / Spreading the culture of integrity and ethics
→ Operating programs to improve ethical awareness and pursuing changes in organizational culture for the establishment stage of ethical management
Realizing an advanced ethical company
Ethical management establishment period ~ 2029
Realizing a leading company in ethical management / Internalizing ethical awareness / Continuing voluntary integrity and ethical activities
→ Advancing into a global-level ethical management company, internalizing ethical awareness, and forming the ability to self-purify integrity and ethics
Implementation process
- Reflection of feedback and opinions Internal and external evaluation, ethical management environmental analysis, and collection of internal and external opinions (executives, employees, citizens, etc.)
- Establishment of implementation plan Ethical management implementation plan and power abuse eradication plan
- Internal and external execution organization Organic plan implementation through the overall management and support organization and external cooperation organization activities
- Integrity and ethics system Granting integrity mileage for the main activities and status management through the system
- Internal organizational evaluation (KPI), self-integrity, self-diagnosis, human rights impact assessment/status survey, etc.
- External Comprehensive integrity assessment by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission and international standard (ISO) certification
Improvement and feedback Reflection of KPI for differentiating compensation, integrity enhancement and awards for excellent people, reflection of feedback to next year's plan for unsatisfactory progress, etc.