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This is an SMR explanation image. Please see below for more details.

i-SMR(Innovative SMR)

  • 2020 ~
  • 170MWe
  • Integrated SMR (for offshore)
  • Government-led preliminary feasibility project


  • 1997 ~
  • 110MWe
  • Integrated SMR (for land use)
  • Led by KAERI

Sodium fast reactor (SFR)

  • 2012 ~
  • 150 MWe or more
  • 4Th-generation generation non-light water (for land use
  • Led by KAERI
Enlarged image view

Innovative Small Modular Reactor(i-SMR)

SMR, a reactor with an electricity output of 300MW or less, is designed to enable the reactor components to be produced as modules in a factory and assembled with ease on the site. As of 2022, there are around 80 types of SMRs under development globally. KEPCO E&C is scheduled to develop a conceptual draft and the highest level requirements and perform basic designs by participating in the government-led i-SMR phase 1 technology development(2021-2023); to develop i-SMR standard designs and focus on obtaining licenses and permits in the phase 2 technology development(2023-2028).

Technology development goals

Achieving the world’s highest-level safety

Core damage frequency: 1.0x10-9/M-Y

Securing economic viability on par with that of large nuclear power plants

Construction cost: USD 3,500/kWe
Power generation cost: USD 65 /MWh

Securing flexibility (Flexible operation)

Output range: 100% - 20% - 100%
Linear output change rate: 5%/min

Application of KEPCO E&C’s technology, “Built-in control rod drive mechanism and boric acid-free operation design”

i-SMR has improved safety by installing the steam generator, pressurizer, reactor core, and control rod drive mechanism, which are the main equipment of the reactor system, within a pressure vessel, preventing coolant leaks from large-diameter pipe rupture. The reactor is sealed by a steel containment vessel with a thickness of more than 30cm, which is designed to endure a much higher pressure than the currently operating nuclear power plants do. In addition, the boric acid-free coolant increases the durability of the equipment, reduces the amount of radioactive wastes, and simplifies the system. The design of the i-SMR is characterized by improved safety with a complete passive safety system that does not require safety-grade power sources and an operator, thus eliminating the possibility of severe accidents such as explosion, radiation leaks. From the perspective of economic viability, the all-in-one reactor, in-factory manufacturing, system simplification allows the i-SMR to secure economic viability at levels similar to those of a large-scale nuclear power plant. It also expands its flexibility in its output and uses such as flexible operations linked to renewable energy, diversification of output through modular design, multipurpose uses coupled with power generation sources. In particular, In-Vessel Control Element Drive Mechanism(IV-CEDM), which fundamentally prevents control rod ejection accidents, and boric acid-free operation designs are KEPCO E&C's proprietary technology.

Key Features of i-SMR

Conceptual design (2 years)

2023 - 2024

Basic design (3 years)

2025 - 2027

Design verification & licensing(5 years)

2028 - 2032

Small & medium-sized nuclear power plant, SMART (System-integrated modular advanced reactor)

The SMART nuclear power plant is an all-in-one reactor, which integrates the reactor, steam generator, pressurizer, coolant pump into one vessel, with a capacity of 1/14(100MW) of a commercial nuclear power plant. This reactor can supply electricity, heating, water through seawater desalination to a city with a population of around 100,000. In particular, the demand for the SMART is forecast in developing countries that do not have large-scale integrated power grids. KEPCO E&C performed the A/E and NSSS design for the development of the standard design and the acquisition of the standard design approval for the SMART. We ended up obtaining the standard design approval for the SMART from the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission in July 2012. Moreover, KEPCO E&C performed the A/E for the project of the pre-construction design of the SMART in compliance with 'Korea-Saudi Arabia PPE(Pre-Project Engineering) Agreement', completing the development of the passive SMART nuclear power plant(SMART100) with significantly enhanced safety in December 2018.

Sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR)

The 4th-generation nuclear reactor that can incinerate toxic substances from spent nuclear fuel

SFR, among the reactors under research and development, is the latest nuclear reactor that meets the 4th-generation nuclear reactor's technical target such as sustainability, economic viability, safety, and proliferation resistance. The SFR prototype that can incinerate toxic substances from the spent fuel of a pressurized water reactor has been under development since 2012. The toxic nuclides(for example, transuranium) recovered from the spent nuclear fuel of heavy water reactor through pyroprocessing are burned effectively within the SFR reactor, reducing the amount of spent fuel disposal. The SFR, with a power capacity of 150MWe, adopts a pool type reactor. The primary heat transport system of SFR prototype forms a primary coolant boundary, while the intermediate heat transport system prevents any impact on the safety of the reactor even in the event of sodium-water reaction in the steam generator. The in-vessel installations of the main equipment and pipes that make up the primary heat transport system eliminate the possibility of a loss-of-coolant accident even in the event of postulated pipe rupture. In addition, a sufficient thermal inertia can mitigate a rapid thermal transient that is expected to occur in the event of an accident. The reactor building is designed to accommodate the safety-related systems, equipment and structures comprising the reactor and the primary heat transport system, and seismic isolation devices are installed at the lower part of the building to reduce the transient response caused by seismic tremor. The reactor building serves as a final barrier to prevent the external leakage of radioactive materials in the event of design basis accidents and is designed to maintain structural soundness in case of beyond design basis accidents such as severe accidents and aircraft crashes.