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[Back-end menagement] Decommissioning of nuclear power plants

Business/R&D[Back-end menagement] Decommissioning of nuclear power plants

Decommissioning of a nuclear power plant entails permanently shutting down the operations of a facility licensed or designated according to the Nuclear Safety Act and then demolishing the facility and site or removing radioactive contamination. KEPCO E&C boasts comprehensive decommissioning design capabilities for all processes, ranging from the decommissioning plan for the permanent shutdown of power generation reactors and relevant facilities to site and environmental restoration. We are entrusted with provided a comprehensive decommissioning engineering for Kori Nuclear Reactor Unit 1, which was permanently shut down for the first time domestically in 2018. The goal of comprehensive design for nuclear power plant decommissioning is to conduct rational and economic decommissioning by prioritizing safety and to prevent the leakage of radioactive materials into the environment.

This is an image explaining the main tasks and stages of nuclear power plant decommissioning work. See below for more details.
Operational change, Application for licensing
Permanent shutdown
DP generation
Collection of resident opinions
Request for Approval
Approval of decommissioning
SF discharge completion
Decommissioning completion report
Decommissioning completed
Permanent shutdown management and cooling/discharge of spent nuclear fuel Demolition of contaminated systems/structures
Site restoration
Decommissioning plan permit & prior preparation for decommissioning
Construction of waste treatment facility
Demolition of non-radioactive systems/structures & other areas, etc.
Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
View enlarged image

Detailed radio-chemical characteristic evaluation before decommissioning

  • Contamination scoping survey by characteristics, pattern, and type of structures, systems, and components that are dismantled waste from nuclear power plants to be decommissioned; initial inventory evaluation, along with measurement, production, & evaluation of radiological data;
  • Evaluation of radionuclide inventory, including inventory of radioactive nuclides, operational experience & inventory of contaminated nuclides reflecting the results of the historical site survey (HSA), along with mapping of contamination scoping survey results;
  • Evaluation of radiation exposure doses to workers & residents;
  • Development of radiation safety management procedures during dismantling works and radioactive waste disposal activities
  • Radiation environmental impact assessment through normal decommissioning activities & accident analysis scenarios;
  • Preparation of design data before decommissioning to prepare the final decommissioning plan
  • Cutting/segmentation activities in the radiation controlled areas
  • Contamination level measurement results

Formulation of detailed decommissioning/demolition plan

  • Establishing basic & detailed plans for decommissioning & dismantling works (systems and components) inside the radiation controlled areas;
  • Establishing basic & detailed plans for decommissioning & dismantling works (structures, facilities & buildings) for the radiation controlled areas;
  • Establishing basic & detailed plans for dismantling works (systems and components) inside non-radiation areas;
  • Establishing basic & detailed plans for dismantling works (structures, facilities & buildings) for non-radiation areas;
  • Establishing basic & detailed plans for site restoration;
  • Preparing bill of quantitys(BOQ) and construction specifications for each construction work packages for decommissioning & dismantling works;
  • Review of plans to install temporary facilities during decommissioning;
  • Establishing the demolition method for each system & component unit, and preparing the decommissioning & dismantling task sequence;
  • Preparing terms of references related to independent verification services for radioactivity measurements during decommissioning & dismantling works, etc.

Construction design of radioactive waste treatment facilities

  • Review of the optimal construction plan for radioactive waste treatment facilities for decommissioning;
  • Review of regulatory codes and standards such as design outline and laws;
  • Preparing the design requirements & design criteria for construction of radioactive treatment facilities;
  • Basic and working designs for related works such as nuclear, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation & control, architectural, civil engineering, schedule, environmental technical divisions, etc.;
  • Preparing purchase specifications for any system and equipment of radioactive treatment facilities;
  • Preparing the performance verification & commissioning procedures after installation

Decommissioning project management

  • Development of integrated decommissioning processes, including licensing, the dismantling construction process & treatment facility construction process, based on a project number system applicable to decommissioning;
  • Exchange of related information, analysis of performance compared to final decommissioning plan, tracking the statistics of related information, and generating the forecast information by interconnecting tasks between decommissioning project management areas;
  • Preparing the work breakdown system, integrated schedule, detailed schedule & management standard schedule;
  • Schedule for each decommissioning unit work

Implementation performance

Architect/Engineer Services contract for the decommissioning of Kori Unit 1;
Design of an integrated project management process for the decommissioning of nuclear power plants;
Conceptual design of the radioactive waste treatment facility of heavy water reactor(Wolseong units);
Radio-chemical characteristic evaluation before the decommissioning of Wolseong Unit 1