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New Start, New Standard
About KEPCO E&CGreetings
KEPCO E&C Kim, Sung-Arm
CEO MESSAGE Welcome to the KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company’s website.

I am President & CEO Kim Sung-Arm, of KEPCO E&C.

KEPCO E&C has led nuclear reactor and thermal power plant engineering in South Korea based on our unrivaled power plant engineering technology by constructing. Furthermore, we are operating the KEPCO E&C-designed APR1400 (Advanced Power Reactor1400) nuclear reactor facility in the UAE, which is aligned with our pivotal role as the leading energy company accredited by the global market.

Moreover, in preparation for the digital transformation, we have focused our capabilities on developing innovative nuclear technology to generate safer and better eco-friendly energy, such as BANDI, KEPCO E&C's original offshore floating SMR, as well as AI-driven digital design and twin power plants.

The employees at KEPCO E&C are committed to continuing endless challenges and endeavors encountered with a sense of responsibility and pride to create a sustainable world for future generations. As always, we ask for and appreciate your unwavering support and encouragement for the future that KEPCO E&C works to create with our vision of a better world.

KEPCO Engineering&Construction Company Co.,Ltd Kim, Sung-Arm