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New Start, New Standard
Business/R&DGHG reduction project

GHG reduction project: Carbon dioxide capture, storage, and utilization technology (CCUS)

Carbon dioxide capture, storage, and utilization (CCUS) technology involves selectively separating and recovering carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plant exhaust gas to reduce emissions into the atmosphere. The captured CO2 is stored in a liquid state and can be used directly or converted for other purposes.Top of Form KEPCO E&C designed a post-combustion wet CO2 capture facility, post-combustion dry CO2 capture facility, and pre-combustion dry CO2 capture facility processes and performed the feasibility review of commercial grade CO2 facility. We are currently carrying out the process improvement of a 10 MW (200 tons/day) wet amine CO2 capture facility for the Boryeong Thermal Power Plant and a 10 MW dry CO2 capture facility for the Hadong Thermal Power Plant, and the basic design for commercial grade (150 MW) CO2 capture facility.

Wet Amine Co2 Capturing Facility System Diagram

Commercial-grade CO2 compression liquefaction facility

Image of commercial CO2 compression liquefaction facility 1
Image of commercial CO2 compression liquefaction facility 2

Implementation references

  • 1Design of the CO2 separation and recovery process and development of demonstration technology
  • 2Improvement of the wet amine CO2 capture process and development of power plant integration technology
  • 3Development of the commercial package for 10 MW post-combustion wet amine CO2 capture technology
  • 4Evaluation of the KCRC wet absorbent-based post-combustion CO2 capture process feed and economic feasibility
  • 5Advancement of medium-scale storage-linked post-combustion wet CO2 capture technology for CCS integration demonstration
  • 6Development of post-combustion wet CO2 capture technology and upgrade design of LNG coal-fired power plant
  • 7Design and optimization of the CO2 capture process using 10 MW dry absorbent for coal-fired power generation
  • 8Development of the commercial package for CO2 capture technology through operation of 10 MW post-combustion dry CO2 capture plant
  • 9Advancement of 10MW post-combustion dry CO2 capture technology and development of 50 tons/day compression/liquefaction technology
  • 10Development of pre-combustion CO2 capture technology for next-generation coal-fired power generation