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New Start, New Standard
Business/R&D[Operation] Operation & Maintenance

Enhancing the safety and operational efficiency of nuclear power plants in operation necessitates continuous facility improvements incorporating the latest regulatory and safety requirements even after commercial operation. In particular, it is essential for a design company with comprehensive design capabilities to perform consistent design changes to critical systems, such as the Reactor Coolant System(RCS), and engineering safety systems. In this sense, KEPCO E&C, the original designer of Korea's nuclear facilities, utilizes its proprietary design technology to analyze various issues in all domestic operating nuclear power plants and provide technical solutions since Hanbit Units 3 and 4. We are also working on improving the safety of nuclear power plants through facility improvement, major equipment and facility replacement, technical support for licensing activities, power plant operation improvement. In addition, various technical support tasks for project owners are under way, including consistent maintenance of power plant design data, configuration management.

Main business areas

Major equipment replacement and facility improvement

  • Technical support and design changes for the replacement of the major equipment that has become aged after prolonged operation of power plants

Safety enhancement

  • Stress tests and accident management plans on extreme disasters were implemented to enhance the management of severe accidents in the aftermath of Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011.
    precipitation, Earthquake, Tsunami
  • MACST(Multi-barrier Accident Coping Strategies) facilities are used to prevent and mitigate beyond-design-basis accidents such as multiple failure accidents and severe accidents in the event of extreme disasters(natural and man-made disasters) in multiple units on the same site.

Seismic enhancement

  • Design changes are implemented to evaluate seismic safety and secure seismic performance of safety-related SSC(Structure, System and Component) against beyond-design-basis earthquakes that happen near nuclear power plant sites
  • Seismic safety evaluation of safety-related structures against beyond-design-basis earthquakes
  • Design changes to improve seismic performance of safety-related equipment in operating power plants

Design areas

  • Architectural design: Design work related to new construction, repair, and replacement of building materials for operating power plants in compliance with licensing requirements, business requirements, and related technical standards
  • Design for civil structures: Design changes for safety/non-safety-related structures arising from system changes, and convenience facility installation, and the designing of new structures
  • Electrical design: Overall electrical design and engineering services for the improvement and replacement of the electrical system in operating nuclear power plants
  • Instrument and control design: The latest digital technology and licensing requirements are applied to monitoring/control facilities and main control rooms to contribute to enhancing the safety and operability of nuclear power plants
  • Mechanical design(HVAC): The HVAC design to keep the environment suitable for using rooms or specific spaces
  • Firefighting design: Design work to improve the performance of fire suppression system for operating power plants and replace fire suppression facilities in compliance with licensing requirements home and abroad, business requirements and technical standards
    • (Designs to replace the conventional control room with a hybrid or advanced main control room)
  • Pipeline design: Design work related to new construction, repair, and replacement of pipeline facilities foroperating nuclear power plants in compliance with licensing requirements, owner requirements, and related technical standards
  • Fluid system: Design work for improving the performance of the fluid system and replacing the major equipment in nuclear power plants in compliance with relevant technical standards, licensing requirements, and business requirements
  • Radiation protection: Protection of on-site workers at nuclear facilities, off-site ordinary residents, and the environment from radiation through designs and analysis to ensure that dose limits are observed and radiation exposure is kept as low as reasonably achievable(ALARA)
  • Safety analysis: Thermal hydraulic analysis is a task that evaluates thermal-hydraulic behavior impacted by mass, momentum, and energy flowing in and out of a finite volume. A prime example of this is the analysis of temperature, pressure, and environmental conditions of nuclear reactor buildings in the event of LOCA. The purpose of disaster analysis is to ensure that power plants are shut down safely and their functionality is maintained and radioactive material leakage is minimized in the event of various potential accidents.