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Integrated coal gasification combined cycle power plant

Integrated coal gasification combined cycle power plant (IGCC) design technology, recognized as a next-generation eco-friendly coal-fired power technology, is a clean, coal-fired power technology that gasifies coal for use as fuel at a high temperature and high pressure.

It features higher power generation efficiency than coal-fired power generation and can reduce sulfur oxidation rate by more than 90%, nitrogen oxides by more than 75%, and carbon dioxides by 25%. Coal gasification technology is eco-friendly and can be converted to various uses including chemical fuel production, driving countries around the world to engage in fierce competition for technology development.

KEPCO E&C participated in the A/E of the government-led 300MW IGCC demonstration plant technology development project, spearheading the first domestic commercialization of IGCC. Securing 300MW Korean IGCC design, manufacturing, operation technology would not only replace domestic coal-fired power plant technology but also enhance export competitiveness in the global market.

Track records

  • 1 Feasibility study for IGCC with heavy residual oil as an alternative power source for the Yeongnam Thermal Power Plant
  • 2 Feasibility review for the flameless gasification plant project
  • 3 Conceptual design and feasibility review for IGCC application to aging coal-fired power plants
  • 4 Feasibility study for the construction of Samcheok Synthesis Natural Gas (SNG) production facility
  • 5 Feasibility study for the construction of Boryeong SNG production facility
  • 6 Preliminary feasibility study for a Indonesian coal gasification project
  • 7 Feasibility review for Namhae IGCC
  • 8 A/E and engineering for Taean IGCC demonstration plant