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Water pollution prevention facility

Business/R&DWater pollution prevention facility

Water pollution prevention facility

KEPCO E&C has over 30 years of experience in designing and constructing water treatment, wastewater treatment, wastewater reuse, and seawater desalination facilities in and out of Korea. We have played a crucial role in the design and construction of public sewage, excrement, and livestock wastewater treatment facilities across Korea.

Water pollution prevention

Water treatment facility

KEPCO E&C has designed water treatment facilities (including pre-treatment facilities) that produce demineralized water needed for nuclear, thermal, and combined cycle power plants. The water treatment facility design applies the latest water treatment technology using membranes (RO, EDI, etc.), as well as the traditional 2B3T water treatment method.

Wastewater treatment facility

KEPCO E&C has designed and constructed wastewater treatment facilities for nuclear, thermal, combined cycle power and general industrial plants.
Wastewater treatment facilities physically and chemically treat wastewater containing chemical and other substances generated from power plants..
As for thermal power plants, we design and construct facilities that can treat general wastewater as well as wastewater generated from desulfurization and denitrification facilities.

Wastewater recycling facility

KEPCO E&C designs and constructs wastewater recycling facilities which recycle effluent water from wastewater treatment facilities into industrial water.
Wastewater recycling facilities, the latest efficient technology, mainly apply EDR(electrodialysis reversal) using Membranes to rid wastewater effluent of various kinds of ions, recycling it into industrial water or water for desulfurization.

COD/T-N simultaneous removal facility

KEPCO E&C has developed a process that can remove COD/N-T simultaneously from wastewater effluent and registered a patent for it in compliance with enhanced environmental standards for COD/N-T.

Sewage treatment facility

KEPCO E&C has designed sewage treatment facilities for nuclear and thermal power plants in consideration of various treatment methods. Recently, a method that utilizes membranes has been applied in the design and construction.

Sewage and excrement/livestock wastewater treatment facility

KEPCO E&C has track records in constructing water pollution prevention facilities including advanced sewage treatment facilities and excrement treatment facilities commissioned by public institutions such as local governments alongside electric utilities.

Track records

  • 1Design & engineering services for the installation of the facilities that remove total nitrogen in desulfurization wastewater generated from Ulsan Thermal Power Plant Units 4 through 6
  • 2Design & engineering services for the installation of total nitrogen removal facilities and improvement of wastewater reclamation facilities for Boryeong Thermal Power Plant
  • 3Design & engineering services for the performance improvement of wastewater treatment facilities for Hadong Power Plant
  • 4Design & engineering services for demineralized water production facilities for Boryeong Power Plant
  • 5Design & engineering services for the performance improvement of water and wastewater treatment facilities for Taean Thermal Power Plant