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Education Designed to Enhance Employees’ Cybersecurity Awareness 2022

  • Date2022-02-11
  • Hit663
2022년 원설단 특별 사이버 보안 인식제고 교육 국가정보원 2022.2.11(금) 13:30 한국전력기술주)

On February 11, KEPCO E&C held a special educational session designed to enhance employees’ cybersecurity awareness related to nuclear reactor design development.

The session, which was held to overcome cyberattacks with hacking becoming more intelligent and sophisticated amid the COVID-19 pandemic and acceleration of digital conversion, was attended by 64 people concerned including the head of the NSSS division.

The session was held on the theme of the status of cyberthreats and ways to cope with them featuring specialists from the National Intelligence Service (NIS) serving as lecturers. The session included the introduction of diverse real-world cases in our daily lives concerning the recent status of cyberthreats and cyberattacks incidents as well as the rules to observe for smart phone security.

The company intends to continue to strive to protect its design/technical materials from outside cyberthreats and engage in activities designed to enhance employees’ cybersecurity awareness.