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New Start, New Standard
Comments on Competitive Contract

Customer CenterComments on Competitive Contract
Notice No. 202005
Notice Date 2020-09-10
Item for Bid Technical Support for APR1000 Standard Design
Esimated Value 1,000,000 EURO
Expeted Completion Date Contract Signing ~2023.12.31.
Qualification for Bid The contractor shall implement an individual or/and personnel of team with the
required experience and skills to be able to carry out the work described above, and
the required experience and skills are as follows:
- EUR Organization Members
- Design Experience on Nuclear Power Plants
- Participating Companies in developing EUR Rev.E

*Tender type: Limited Competitive Tendering, Contract through Negotiations
Opinion Submission Due Date 2020-09-15 18:00(KST)
Contact Point Mr. Seung Hyun Lee
Contract Management Department, KEPCO E&C

  • pdf 첨부파일 Technical Information.pdf (226.85KB ) Download

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    Finance Team. DONG HYUN-YI
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