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Comments on Competitive Contract

Customer CenterComments on Competitive Contract
Notice No. 201904
Notice Date 2019-04-12
Item for Bid (Urgency) Technical Service for the Operation, Maintenance and Commercialization of the Ulsan Floating Offshore Wind Farm Project
Esimated Value € 77,680
Expeted Completion Date 2020-04-30
Qualification for Bid - High level understanding and design experience of offshore wind farm project
- Consulting experience of Operation and Maintenance of offshore wind farm over 200MW
- Micro-siting experience of offshore wind farm over 200MW
* Reason for Qualification
- Floating offshore wind farm is unfamiliar field so far, so it is necessary to transfer the technical experience from specialized company with plentiful technical service and consulting experience. Therefore, it is necessary to have high level of understanding and experience of O&M consulting and feasibility analysis of 200MW offshore wind farm project is required.
- In the reality that it depends entirely on overseas know-how and core technologies for maintenance, repair and operation, it is inevitable to limit it to overseas specialized companies for expansion of offshore wind farm industry and technology independence.
Opinion Submission Due Date 2019-04-14, 18:00 (KST)
Contact Point KO49636@kepco-enc.com (Lee Soohyun, Contract Management Department)
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