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New Start, New Standard
Comments on Competitive Contract

Customer CenterComments on Competitive Contract
Notice No. 201815
Notice Date 2018-11-20
Item for Bid Technical Consultation for Development of Functional Requirements Analysis (FRA) / Function Allocation (FA) to optimize I&C architecture design to comply with I&C design process based on IEC 61513
Esimated Value $ 36,675
Expeted Completion Date 14 weeks after contract signing
Qualification for Bid - Engineering, design, and licensing experiences of the nuclear power plant in Europe
- Engineering experiences of the design for the I&C system architecture in the nuclear power plant
- Experts on the Functional Requirement Analysis & Function Allocation for I&C system based on European standards
Opinion Submission Due Date 2018-11-24, 18:00 (KST)
Contact Point KO49636@kepco-enc.com (Lee Soohyun, Subcontract & Procurement Team)
  • docx 첨부파일 Technical Information (FRAFA).docx (196.99KB ) Download

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    Finance Team. DONG HYUN-YI
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