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New Start, New Standard
Comments on Competitive Contract

Customer CenterComments on Competitive Contract
Notice No. 201803
Notice Date 2018-04-12
Item for Bid Technical Consultation for Basic Design of Main Steam and Feedwater System based on European Regulatory Codes and Standards
Esimated Value € 65,050
Expeted Completion Date 9 months after contract signing
Qualification for Bid i) Engineering, design, and licensing experience in design of water steam cycle and power conversion system, including Main Steam (MS) and Feedwater (FW) System, for nuclear power plants in Europe, ii) Certification for nuclear power plant design in Europe, iii) Adequacy of expertise and sufficient manpower for design of MS and FW, iv) Software license for calculation and analysis of power conversion system (such as, RELAP, LIQT, PEPSE, PIPEFLOW, AFT Fathom, etc. or equivalent)
Opinion Submission Due Date 2018-04-16, 18:00 (KST)
Contact Point KO49636@kepco-enc.com (Lee Soohyun, Contract Department)
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