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New Start, New Standard
Customer CenterBid Notice
Bid No 53
Item for Bid Consulting services for hydrogen analysis for LPSD Level 2 PRA
Notice Date 2014-06-03
Deadline for Bid Submission 2014-06-08
US-APR1400 has Hydrogen Mitigation System (HMS) consisting of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PAR) and Igniters in the containment for hydrogen control under severe accident condition. The severe accident analysis shows the HMS can control hydrogen successfully under severe accident condition.


1. Conduct the hydrogen analysis for Level 2 PRA at low power and shutdown (LPSD).

- Select scenarioes for hydrogen analysis.

- Perform the hydrogen analysis in the containment.

- Interpret the hydrogen analysis results for LPSD Level 2 PRA


2. Prepare the technical report for the hydrogen analysis

- Prepare a report for the hydrogen analysis


3. Consultation Review Meeting

The Contractor and KEPCO E&C shall have one or two review meeting at contractor's office to review the draft analysis results.