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Meeting to Share Excellence in Mutual Growth Assessment in 2021

  • Date2022-05-28
  • Hit519

On May 25, KEPCO E&C held the “2021 Meeting to Share Excellence in Mutual Growth Assessment” to achieve the highest grade in the 2022 Mutual Growth Assessment.

About 20 people in charge of related departments participated in this event to share the results of the previous year's assessment and implementation agenda for 2022, as well as exchange opinions.

The event proceeded in the following order of ▷ the results of 2021 mutual growth assessment; ▷ introduction of excellent performance for each indicator; ▷ weaknesses and improvements; ▷ 2022 project implementation agenda, and ▷ sharing business opinions.

With the goal of achieving the highest grade in the Mutual Growth Assessment in 2022, KEPCO E&C plans to establish an improvement agenda for vulnerable areas among assessment items, and comprehensively carry out activities geared to its characteristics and conditions, such as discovering new tasks and strengthening communication channels with partner companies.

Ham Ki-hwang, the Director of Management & Administration Division, urged the active cooperation of the staff by pointing out, “As ESG management has become an overriding global issue with the importance of social value creation gaining more traction, we must cooperate to achieve the highest caliber in the mutual growth assessment in response to the new social climate and societal demands.”