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Kicked Off CMA Phase 2 of the ITER

  • Date2020-09-15
  • Hit1,235

KEPCO E&C kicked off Phase 2 of the Construction Management Agreement (CMA) of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project on August 25, 2020 after successfully completing Phase 1 (March 2017 - August 2020).

The contract period for Phase 2 is six years (August 25, 2020 - August 24, 2026), and the project cost is EUR 128 million (KRW 174.5 billion). A consortium of KEPCO E&C, France-based Assystem, and UK-based Jacobs will execute the project.

As part of the Phase 2 project, KEPCO E&C plans to expand the personnel on site to train globally competitive engineers and accumulate the thermonuclear reactor technology.

The company has been attempting to enter the thermonuclear reactor field since 2007 when the ITER began in full scale. As a result, it won the design support service project for the installation of electrical equipment of the ITER International Organization in 2008 and has been expanding the business to engineering services, construction management services, and supply of equipment in cooperation with domestic SMEs.

KEPCO E&C plans to secure technologies in nuclear fusion reactors for demonstration and commercial applications and support the government’s policies for collaborative cooperation with SMEs and energy conversion by continuing to participating in engineering services, equipment supply, and trial runs for ITER projects.
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