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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
Notice No. 421
Notice Date 2020-04-29
Contract Title Consulting Services for Thermal Sleeve Wear Rate Evaluation for Hanul 1&2 RVH Penetration Nozzles
Contract Overview This consultation service covers below items related to calculation analysis for the thermal sleeve wear of reactor vessel head(RVH) penetration nozzle.
- Computational Fluid Dynamic(CFD) analyses for the Reactor Vessel Head plenum region including Upper Internals, CRDM nozzles, and thermal sleeves.
- Fluid Induced Vibration(FIV) Analysis using the results of CFD analyses
- Structural analyses and wear analysis for the thermal sleeve in the CRDM nozzle
- Establish wear criterion for the thermal sleeve
Estimated Value JPY 20,000,000
Expected Completion Date 2020-09-30
Reason(s) for the Sole Sourcing The contractor is considered as the only company to be able to provide above consultation services for the following reasons:
- has many experiences on CFD and FIV analysis, and performed same analysis to establish wear criterion for the Japanese nuclear power plants.
- familiar with RVH design in Hanul nuclear power plant 1&2 since the contractor designed similar 3-loop nuclear power plants in Japan.
- results are expected to be delivered less than 5 months with limited design input data, so previous experiences for this analysis as well as having FEM models for similar NPP is mandatory for this project.
Company to be Contracted Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI)
Name Kyuwan Kim
Dept Nuclear Service Department, NSSS Division
Tel +82-54-421-8384
email gwankim@kepco-enc.com
  • doc 첨부파일 Technical Description for Thermal Sleeve Wear Evaluation(사전공고 붙임).doc (62.5KB) Download