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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
Notice No. 2018-24
Notice Date 2018-07-05
Contract Title Technical Consultation for Probabilistic Site Response Analysis
Contract Overview 1) PSHAKE(Probabilistic SHAKE, developed by KEPCO E&C) program review and comparison between PSHAKE and another program
2) General consultation work for Probabilistic Site Response Analysis, PSRA
3) Technical meeting
4) Prepare and submit reports
Estimated Value USD 14,000
Expected Completion Date 2018-11-30
Reason(s) for the Sole Sourcing - Since the seismic design of domestic nuclear power plants is based on deterministic seismic analysis, there is no technical experiences for probabilistic seismic analysis
- There are a few of companies with the recent experience of nuclear power construction project applying probabilistic seismic analysis but ARUP has the latest experince for the Wylfa nuclear power plant
- When the technical level of the consultant and the cost of the consultation are considered, the Sole Sourcing contract is needed
Company to be Contracted Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd.
Name 한승룡
Dept Power Engineering Research Institute
Tel 82-54-421-6414
email hoanung@kepco-enc.com
  • docx 첨부파일 2.해외자문내역서(20180625)_최종본.docx (42.63KB) Download