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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
Notice No. 373
Notice Date 2018-06-18
Contract Title Contract for Consulting Services for Safety Design Classification of Fuel Handling System for the EUR Applicability
Contract Overview The purpose of this consultation is to
1) Providing the information on the Safety and Seismic Class/Category for Fuel Handling System of PWR in Europe and U.S.A.
2) Recommending on the FHS Safety and Seismic Class/Category for participating in the construction of Europe PWR.
3) Providing the Europe and other requirements for Safety and Seismic Class/Category for FHS.
4) Recommending on the required code and standards (including structure, mechanical, electric, instrumentation, etc) for safety and non-safety related components.
5) Providing the information on the regulatory and utility requirements in Europe for In-core shuffling application.
Estimated Value US $ 60,000
Expected Completion Date 2018.10.31
Reason(s) for the Sole Sourcing MPR Associates, Inc, has accumulated vast engineering experiences in engineering services relating to a nuclear field,
such as NSSS engineering, component and equipment engineering services and advanced reactor/new nuclear power plants.
They have provided flexible and responsive technology solutions for every U.S. nuclear power plant and more than 150
plants worldwide since 1964. MPR Associates, Inc also has extensive technical capabilities and specialities
in design of nuclear fuel handling system equipment and remote in-reactor project. According to the review of
technical capabilities and expertise, we are sure that the MPR Associates, Inc is only organization that
can carry out useful advice on fuel handling system design.
Company to be Contracted MPR Associates, Inc.
Name K.J. Ko
Dept Mechanical System Engineering
Tel 82-42-868-4138
email kkj@kepco-enc.com
  • pdf 첨부파일 Consulting Service Plan.pdf (49.53KB) Download