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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
Notice No. 370
Notice Date 2018-05-10
Contract Title Phase 3 – Compliance with Construction License Condition No.3
Contract Overview KEPCO E&C is required under the prime contract to comply with the requirements of FANR in relation to the work and to provide licensing support as directed by Owner to enable Owner to comply with FANR licensing requirements. FANR has issued License Condition 3(LC3) in relation to the Construction License (CL) for both Units 1&2 and Units 3&4. The objective of the contract is to deploy additional resources for review and evaluation of all modifications in the design of Units 1 through 4 to the extent not already reviewed for the purpose of assisting ENEC to secure compliance with LC3 and the FANR guidelines.
Estimated Value US$ 1,132,845
Expected Completion Date 6 months from the beginning of contract
Reason(s) for the Sole Sourcing The direct CCR for the contract, which was issued by ENEC, requires that KEPCO E&C employ resources with significant experience with US NRC 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, tests and experiments). Such contract staff shall be: (i) Western expatriates; and (ii) selected and/or nominated by ENEC. Also, the resources with the experience of LC3 review and evaluation for BNPP project are highly recommended to enhance and improve quality and efficiencies of the review and evaluation. BCP is the only company which has the experts with significant experiences in both US NRC 10 CFR 50.59 and BNPP LC3 evaluation. Some of the experts have experience in performing LC3 evaluation during the phase I & II of the previous contract. Therefore, the contract with BCP is essential for successful completion of LC3 evaluation requested by the Owner in a timely manner.
Company to be Contracted BCP Engineers & Consultants
Name 정혁
Dept Nuclear Engineering Group
Tel (82)-54-421-3447
email michael@kepco-enc.com
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