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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
Notice No. KC18-15
Notice Date 2018-04-23
Contract Title Severe Accident Analysis for CANDU Type using ISAAC Code
Contract Overview The scope of work to perform this is described in the following tasks.

1. Task1 : General deion of severe accident phenomena for CANDU
2. Task2 : Selection of representative sequences for severe accident for CANDU
3. Task3 : Severe accident analysis report for CANDU
4. Task4 : Documentation of results
5. Task5 : Licensing support
Estimated Value 199,440 USD
Expected Completion Date 2020.02.28
Reason(s) for the Sole Sourcing ㅇ To do the task ordered by employer, KEPCO E&C needs Verification&Validation(V&V) of codes for severe accident analysis.

ㅇ FAI has many experiences of consulting for CANDU and it is the only company entrusted authority of maintaining MAAP CANDU and QA from EPRI.

ㅇ For these reasons, KEPCO E&C chooses FAI.
Company to be Contracted FAI
Name 오정환
Dept O&M Business Group
Tel 82544213226
email ohzze@kepco-enc.com
  • pdf 첨부파일 수행내역서.pdf (123.99KB) Download

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    Finance Team. DONG HYUN-YI
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