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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
Notice No. 416
Notice Date 2020-01-21
Contract Title Groundwater Monitoring in Barakah NPP site
Contract Overview The objective of the service is to perform a groundwater data collection and validation according to US NRC RG 1.132 in Barakah NPP Site and to repair the groundwater monitoring wells to secure the quality of the groundwater data.
Estimated Value AED 216,200
Expected Completion Date Sole Source Contract
Reason(s) for the Sole Sourcing The main concerns for this service at the moment are i) possibility for the acquisition of CICPA Pass and UAA to enter the Barakah site, ii) meeting quality and HSE requirement, iii) consistency of groundwater monitoring.
EJUNG CONSTRUCTION L.L.C (EJUNG) is one of the local specialty company for the geotechnical investigation and has many experiences in the Barakah NPP site.
EJUNG already have gotten the CICPA Pass & UAA, and qualified for the service and HSE activities. In addition, EJUNG has experienced groundwater monitoring work and maintenance work in the Barakah NPP site.
Especially, as EJUNG is stationed on the site, they can inspect the condition of wells frequently and maintain the damaged parts of wells immediately.
Based on the review of technical capability and expertise, EJUNG is considered as a proper organization to perform this task.
Company to be Contracted EJUNG CONSTRUCTION L.L.C
Name SungBinYim
Dept Civil & Architectural Environmental Engineering Department
Tel (82)-54-421-6032
email sbyim@kepco-enc.com
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