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Signing of MOU with Gyeongbuk Technopark

  • Date2018-09-28
  • Hit1,989

- Cooperation for support of local science and technology development and innovative companies in the region -


KEPCO E&C signed an MOU with Gyeongbuk Technopark for local science and technology development and support for companies of the innovation city on September 27.

The signing ceremony was attended by KEPCO E&C CEO Lee Bae-soo, Gyeongbuk Technopark CEO Lee Jae-Hoon, and other executives.

With this agreement, the two companies will cooperate in fields such as co-research for regional balance and technology development, support for companies of Gyeongbuk Innovation City, and personal exchanges for shared growth.

According to KEPCO E&C CEO Lee Bae-soo, “KEPCO E&C aims to achieve mutual growth with the regional society including small and medium companies by supporting the energy sector in the innovation city.”

“The synergy created by the technological prowess and expertise of KEPCO E&C and the business support system of Gyeongbuk Technopark will be able to lay the groundwork for smaller companies in the region to grow,” Gyeongbuk Technopark CEO Lee Jae-Hoon said.

Both companies will continue their efforts for information sharing and regional development in various ways such as contributing to job creation through joint participation in government projects and work affiliation between agencies.