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Jik-Lae Jo, Executive Senior Vice President Gives a Topic Presentation at KINGS Symposium

  • Date2016-11-18
  • Hit3,148

Jik-Lae Jo, the Executive Senior Vice President at KEPCO E&C gave a topic presentation at the 2016 Kings IAB Invitational Symposium held on November 17.

Hosted by KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School, the seminar was held to share new global trends in the nuclear power industry since the signing of the Paris Agreement and publicize the Korean nuclear power industry, with an eye towards opening new export markets for Korean nuclear power plant technology.

The theme of the event was “Prospects for the Nuclear Power Industry in the Post-COP21 Era”.  The topics of the symposium were presented in the following order: △ Strengthened nuclear safety equipment standards as a result of the Fukushima Disaster, △ The current status of the nuclear power plant in UAE Barakah, and finally △The role of nuclear power in the Paris Agreement and the challenges facing the Korean nuclear power industry.

Jik-Lae Jo, the Executive Senior Vice President gave a presentation titled “Korea Nuclear Reactor Technology – Present and Future” in which he provided an outlook for the energy mix in Korea in light of the government’s decision to cut carbon emissions by 37% to comply with the Paris Agreement and the 7th Basic Plan on Electricity Demand and Supply. He explained the role of nuclear power in achieving carbon emission reduction targets and why its role must continue, given the reality of the poor energy efficiencies exhibited by renewable energy sources.

He also gave an introduction to the current status of nuclear power in Korea and explained the main design characteristics of OPR1000+, APR1400, APR+, and how their performance safeties were enhanced. He combined his explanations with a deion of how nuclear power plant design technologies have developed and he framed his explanations in terms of development stages, which made it very easy to understand.

At the same time, he explained the significance behind the developments of APR1400-NRC DC, EU-APR, APR+1000, SMART, and I-POWER and their current status. He then offered a vision of nuclear power’s future and emphasized KEPCO E&C’s commitment to its overseas nuclear power plant business and improving safety.

In his concluding remarks, the managing director mentioned “Mu Sin Bul Lip”, an old Chinese adage from the Analects of Confucius which means, “One cannot rise when there is no conviction.” He concluded his presentation by applying this to the issue of nuclear power today and said public trust in nuclear power is dependent on transparent disclosure of information and communication with the public.