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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
Notice No. 471
Notice Date 2023-08-16
Contract Title Technical Consulting Service on Human Factors Analysis Methodology and Experience related to Multiple Module NPP Control Room Operation
Contract Overview - Consultation on allocating a function to human or
system, or both.
- Consultation on task analysis methodology.
- Consultation on “HSI tests and evaluations” and
“human factors verification and validation”
- Technical Meetings & Training
- Preparation of Consultation Task Reports

* Comments via this webpage (use "Writing comment" section below) shall only be deemed as official comments.
Estimated Value 78,000 (USD)
Expected Completion Date November 30, 2023
Reason(s) for the Sole Sourcing The requirements this contract are as below.
- Experience in regulatory licensing support for
human factors analysis related to SMR multi-unit
control room
- Research experience on the HFE process (NUREG-0711)
Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is the only laboratory
that satisfies the above requirements.

* Comments via this webpage (use "Writing comment" section below) shall only be deemed as official comments.
Company to be Contracted Idaho National Laboratory of Battelle Energy Alliance LLC
Name Yoo KM
Dept Instrumentation & Control Engineering Department
Tel +82-(0)54-421-7287
email youkm@kepco-enc.com
  • pdf 첨부파일 Technical Information.pdf (189.18KB) Download

콘텐츠 만족도 조사

담당자 정보

  • Dep.
    Finance Team. DONG HYUN-YI
  • Tel