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Comments on Sole Source Contract

Customer CenterComments on Sole Source Contract
Notice No. 2018-36
Notice Date 2018-12-26
Contract Title Technical consulting service for determining the characteristics(tracks, radius of maximum wind, maximum wind speed, etc.) of 100,000-year return period typhoons passing over the Wolsong NPP site
Contract Overview A risk assessment analysis of typhoon wind and surge for a return internal of
100,000 years on a nuclear power plant on the Korean peninsula.
Synthetic typhoon which can represent the broad climate state as analyzed over
the period 1980-2017 will be generated and the characteristics of typhoon
will be analyzed.
Finally, the risk assessment will be conducted via approximately 30,000
synthetic typhoon tracks statistical analysis results.
Estimated Value USD 30,700
Expected Completion Date 2019-01-01
Reason(s) for the Sole Sourcing The contractor is considered as the only company to be able to provide above
mentioned technical consulting service for following reasons;
- The contractor is the only orgainzation which has the
technical-and man-power for re-generation and risk assessment
for specific designated location from the results of the full
scale typhoon model.
- The contractor holds the person whose theoretical finding was
referenced by NRC(NUREG/CR-7005 and 7134).
- Only the contractor has previous experience for risk
assessment for typhoon hazards.
Company to be Contracted Wind Risk Tech. LTD (USA)
Name K.I.Moon
Dept Project Support Department
Tel +82-54-421-3919
email kimoon@kepco-enc.com
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